Dear Donors
Girls Education Nation is a registered 501(c)3 organization, identified as a public charity by the US government. Our EIN is 85-4219451.
All your donations are tax deductible. Please share your address with us so we can mail you any applicable tax forms.
We are committed to financial transparency and are available to answer any questions about our budget or financials policies.
Contact us at
Privacy Policy
​Girls Education Nation will never share or sell our donor's information with/to anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations.
Board of Directors
Ivan Utiakov, Founder
Katerina Arzhayev, Cofounder
Jan Urbach, Director of Denver-Based nonprofit "God My Help"
Bob Reynolds
Fiscal Responsibility
Weekly and monthly review and reconciliation of all finances by Katerina Arzhayev, MBA and our CPA consultant.
Single source access to bank accounts and other financial institutions, maintaining privacy and security.
Financial Transparency
Quarterly and annual financial reports, including Budget and Income Statement breakdowns, and all IRS documents.

2021 Virginia Certificate of Good Standing
IRS Tax Exempt Determination
Virginia Registration Statement for a Charitable Organization
2021 Year in Review
2022 990-N
Non-Discrimination Policy: Girls Education Nation does not discriminate internally (in its administrative and program operations) or externally (in provision of services) on the basis of race, political orientation, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, national origin, ethnicity, ancestry, marital status, veteran status, or mental or physical disability or any other status prohibited by applicable law.
Girls Education Nation is a registered 501(c)3 public charity
EIN 85-4219451